Friday, November 14, 2014

Curriculum Update!

8th Grade:  Famous Duo Project

This week, the students started their Famous Duo Project.  The Famous Duo project includes researching famous Composer-Director teams or Composer-Lyricist teams and putting together a multimedia presentation using PhotoStory.  Some examples of the Famous duo's our students are learning about are: John Williams and Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton and Danny Elfman, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein.  The 50 point rubric can be found on the 8th grade file cabinet. 

7th Grade: World Music Unit: Asia

The students are learning about the music of Asia and Oceania.  This unit includes PowerPoint presentations, listening clips and educational videos, learning songs and dances from other countries, and learning to play instruments from other cultures.  Daily worksheets/study guides are completed using google classroom.  

6th Grade: Musical Era Project

The students will be researching composers from Musical Time Periods such as the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical Age.   The students will continue this project through next week by creating a visual presentation and organizing an oral presentation with their group members.  Next Friday, our presentations will begin.  This project is worth 100 points.  60% of the grade is for the students individual research and 40% for the visual and oral group portion.  Details for the project can be found on the 6th grade file cabinet. 

As always, if you have any questions about your child's grade, please do not hesitate to contact me!