Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome Back to School!

I am looking forward to another great year at Lakeview. This week we kick off PBIS for the year and students will meet their teachers by attending shortened classes. 

In music class this week the students will hear me read the book "Mole Music" by David McPhail. Yes... it is a children's book- but the message is what's really important! They will also receive a parent letter including expectations, units of study, and contact information.  By the end of the week, they will begin their first unit of study: Rhythm! 

Is your child interested in joining choir??? 
Choir is open to all 6, 7 and 8 graders!
They should attend the first meeting on August 30 at 7:10am in the band room. For more information, your child can get a permission slip and rehearsal calendar from me in room 14.

Is your child interested in trying out for cheerleading???
If so, they should attend the clinic on Thursday, August 29 from 3-5 to learn the material for tryouts.  Football cheerleading is open to all 6, 7, and 8 grader! They need to have a physical on file in the office in order to attend the clinic and tryout. 

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