6th Grade:
The students are presenting their projects on the Era's
of Music. Each student researched a composer from either the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, or Modern Era of music. Once
they completed their research on their composer's life and music, they combined
with other students who researched musicians from the same Era to put together
a poster and oral presentation. I look forward to seeing the rest of
these presentations this week! (100 point project)
7th Grade: Musician Project & Visitors from Elmhurst College
This week, the students have their 100 point Musician Project
assigned. The project will be due the week of December 10. Each student signed up for the day they will present in class this week. They
were allowed to choose any musician or band who inspires them. They will present
their research to the class with a visual and oral presentation. The assignment and rubric can be found in the 7th Grade File Cabinet.
Later in the week, we will have students in the Music Education program at Elmhurst College coming in to teach some lessons on World Music, the Blues, and much more. Their professor and I will be observing the lesson to give the future teachers feedback.
8th Grade:
The 8th Grade students will learn a brief history of Jazz music before delving into the Blues Genre specifically. They will learn about 12-bar blues, chord progressions, be able to perform on
instruments, sing, improvise, write original lyrics in AAB
blues format and perform in a class band as a singer or instrumentalist.